Saturday, September 01, 2007

Fresh Cornish Hen

Pam, up all night. Sigh. Mike is going to yell down the stairs in a few minutes to check if I am all right once he realizes I am not beside him in bed. I was fidgety getting to bed, and I woke up feeling acidy in my throat. The muscles in my legs are kinda tight because we did some pilates/exercises before bed. So the culmination of these factors woke me up. I should be able to get to bed now that my email has been checked, and I have blogged.

I have never been very good at the whole "grin and bear it" mentality in life. I am an idealist by nature, and I tend to want to fix things if they are broken. Right now, I feel like I am spinning my wheels a bit with school. Work is going well. Mike and I are awesome. I think we are both a bit stressed because combining two lives into one can be a challenge. Two houses, three pets, stuff like that. But that stress is a good stress because it is a sign of good things.

. . .

Back from surfing the Internet. Getting sleepy. Going back to bed.

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