Monday, August 27, 2007


I miss my kitties. I feel badly because I haven't been spending much quality time with them. My Scuro and my Ra are the best kitties in the world! (I love Grace and Harley too though.)

I have been staying at Mike's house more often lately. He had his medical procedure today. His mom drove him to the hospital and back, and we both hung around for most of the day to make sure he was all right. Pretty much, he was just groggy and a little sore all day. The doctor said he has rings in his throat that cause him to gag on some foods. He said that the rings are caused because of allergies. So we have to see what exactly it is that he is allergic to. So between these rings in his esophagus and his diverticulitis his whole digestive system is pretty much out of whack. Poor guy.

I am happy but anxious today. Here are some of the things stressing me out:

1) Not spending enough time with my kitties
2) Not getting research done
3) Batteries not working in my camera
4) Mike being sick
5) Getting fatter
6) Being sleepy all the time
7) My foot is asleep
8) Problems getting reimbursed for the conference
9) Zits, weren't they supposed to disappear by now?
10) Mike's upcoming travel abroad

But there is a lot more to be thankful for. I must remember thanksgiving, prayer, and petition.

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