Thursday, August 02, 2007

I Can Leave!!

I got my passport today so now I can officially leave the country. Yippee! I don't know when I will be able to take this trip, but darn it, it will be within the next year. Mike and his sister are going to London for Thanksgiving. I am not invited because they made the plans before Mike and I got really serious. I am kind of bummed about it, but I think it is important that he get to spend time with his sister. She has been his best friend for his whole life. Hopefully I will be able to go with them next year.

Some upcoming events:
8/7 - Scuro's 10th birthday
8/8-8/13 - ACMIS Colorado
8/20 - Fall semester begins
9/22-9/23 - Mike and I meet Mom and Watson in Savannah
10/5-10/8 - Mike and I visit Kim and Tony in Chicago for my birthday
11/20-11/26 - Thanksgiving in Chicago with Kim, Tony, Mom, and Watson
12/14 - Fall semester ends

I am happiest when I get to plan ahead. :-)

I enjoyed the John Mayer concert. They didn't play my three favorite songs though: Daughters, Wonderland, and Home Life. I got to dance under the stars with my boyfriend though which was worth the whole concert.

I have to get up early and work on a presentation tomorrow before logging into work. I better get to bed. G'night.

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