Friday, August 03, 2007


Mike had to drag me out of bed this morning so I could drive home to get ready for work. I am not a morning person! I am ready with a few minutes to spare so here I am blogging. We went shopping for something special last night (not saying much right now), and things are going really well. I love my boyfriend. We already say the same thing at the same time the other person is about to say it. I think he is probably the first guy to really pay attention to who I am and what I need - and love me for who I am. I know I can be difficult, but for the right guy, I am worth it.

Mike is so sweet that he has a hard time punishing Ru so the silly dog runs wild sometimes. He is also really smart and can take care of himself. He has a nice house (a little messy sometimes), and he usually does the cooking since he is a better cook than I am. He is handsome even though he gets insecure about his receded (because it did but isn't now) hairline. He has big, brown eyes that are so cute when he gives me crap or when he has no idea what to say or do to comfort me if I am crying. We get along really well by just being ourselves which is the most important thing. Sometimes he isn't wordy enough for me, and sometimes I am too impatient for him, but in general, we are pretty perfect together.

Sorry for gushing. I am in love and happy. Say a prayer for us. Neither one of us want to get hurt again so we are trying our best to take care of each other. Not everything is easy, but I think God will help make this possible.

Well, it is time for me to get in Pearl and drive down the street. Needing more sleep, but I think I will nap this evening. Happy Friday.

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