Sunday, August 19, 2007

Full House

Humans are out numbered by animals 2:3. Women are out numbered by men 3:2. Dogs are out numbered by cats 2:1. There are cats chasing dog, and dog chasing cats. It is crazy around here! Ra has decided his safe haven is under the coffee table. Ru has decided to follow either me or Mike around as much as possible. Scuro, well, she is just perturbed by this whole thing. However, she is starting to calm down some. She just joined me on the couch for some cuddling. Now my belly is getting mashed. We are one, big, happy family. :-)

Mike is asleep because he has to leave to catch a plane at 4 AM. We ordered in Chinese food for dinner tonight. We went to the new Tijuana Flats (yay!) for lunch which is right down the street from my house. Tomorrow is a work day and hopefully I can get some research done as well. This weekend was house cleaning, pet calming, and boyfriend napping.

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