Sunday, September 09, 2007


I actually got some research done today. I always have to do more, but it feels good to have some behind me. I have to go to bed soon because I have orientation for work 2 tomorrow. I have to get all my paperwork and what-not ready. I have a stack of papers on my desk about 9 inches high that I have to go through and find it. Sigh. Maybe they will turn me away at the door for failing my drug test. Mike and I forgot, and he made a steak and spinach salad with raspberry vinegarette, poppyseed dressing the night before.

Dogs are a lot higher maintenance than cats. I feel guilty because Ru seems so bored. Three animals in one house seems like a lot even though there is more than enough room for all of us here. I think we all (Mike, Ru, Scuro, Ra, and me) will have to adjust to living under one roof, but hopefully it won't be that hard. I think it will be hardest on Scuro since she still hasn't really warmed up to Ru.

Mike doesn't get home until Wednesday night. I made him promise not to look at naked people while he is in Amsterdam. He called me tonight and will call again tomorrow. He sounds worn out and tired from all the travel. Personally, I couldn't do it.

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