Saturday, December 16, 2006

On My Own

Today was pretty stressful. I got tons of bills. I have to pay $300 for vaccinations and $600 (already paid $300) for the colinoscopy I got a few months ago. I recently wasted over $1000 on unused plane tickets. Christmas is always an expensive time of the year. The upside is that I am almost done with my Christmas shopping.

Mom sent me a bunch of pictures from when I was a kid. It was really neat. I didn't know she had so many pictures. A lot of them are duplicates. It is kinda weird because if you judged my life just based on pictures from the past, you would think I had an awesome Childhood where every other day was Christmas. I guess people don't take pictures of the sad times they don't want to remember.

Anyway, Jim came over and fixed my drains today. Hopefully my carpet will dry out and there will be no further signs of the leak. I can't afford to spend a lot to fix a major plumbing problem right now.

1 comment:

liraelwiddershins said...

Hey, just wanted to tell you I love you. Thinking happy thoughts for you.