Friday, December 08, 2006


I have to pack for Milwaukee today. I leave around 6 PM. I haven't checked the weather yet, but I am thinking it is going to be cold. Hopefully there won't be any flight problems. The cats and I are still in bed. Sleep still consumes the majority of my life. I did have my doctor check my thyroid to see if that might be contributing to my lethargy. I am probably just depressed. I forgot to ask her to check my blood sugar while she was at it. My mom and most of her brothers and sisters became Diabetic with age. Kim and Lisa are still okay, but we all check occassionally to make sure.

So list for today:

-Get out of bed
-Take a shower
-Pest control is coming
-Do laundry
-Pack for Milwaukee
-Prepare for presentation
-Study for finals

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