Monday, December 18, 2006


I miss my close friends. I miss Kenny and Ann. I miss my friends from high school. I miss the people who always have time for me that I don't always make the time for them. Joel owes me a hike to some waterfalls. Maybe I should take him up on that soon.

I went to the Melting Pot and to see The Pursuit of Happyness with my friend David from work last night. I thought it was a good movie. And I always love the Melting Pot. I was going to go to a chocolate dipping party with Matt and Amy, but Matt and I never seem to coordinate well. I have pound cake in the fridge now. Maybe I will just make some chocolate fondue at home. Need strawberries.

Unlike most people who fear change, I guess I am the opposite in some ways. I fear stagnation. I fear things remaining the same. I fear this being as good as it gets.

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