Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Birthday, Jesus

I really think I am addicted to this computer (Her name is Charlotte). Sometimes I will wake up thinking of checking my email. I have learned to just do it or else I don't get back to sleep. My typical process: Open laptop if it isn't already. It never really shuts down. At home, the screen saver is on but the laptop doesn't shut down. Otherwise, I have it set to go on stand by when I close the lid. Okay, so boot laptop. Click Outlook icon (you do that first because it takes longer to load). Click Firefox icon (Home page: Yahoo). Click Firefox icon again (because I am impatient). BTW, both icons are on my main taskbar. Check Yahoo mail. Check Outlook mail (you don't want to know how many email addresses I have). Check out Yahoo groups. Check the new daily quote on my blog. Check StatCounter for who has visited my blog. Click on Kim's blog to see what she has written. Click on MySpace link from my blog. See if I have new messages, comments, friend requests, etc. Check to see if friends have posted new blog entries. Check UNCC webmail. Check Ameritrade portfolio. Check bank account. Check any eBay pending items. See if anyone interesting is on Yahoo IM. See if there is any other means of interacting with the world. Write a new blog entry.

was selling a bag of crap as their deal of the day. Alas, all the crap is already sold out.


liraelwiddershins said...

Merry Christmas! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Did you get in on the BOC from Woot? You need to check out as they have a deal a day and some incredible puzzles.