Tuesday, December 19, 2006

2006 Resolutions

I happened to look back at my 2006 New Year's resolutions:

  • Save $3,000 toward retirement - $2,100 so far. I have until March for this year's contributions.
  • Get back down to 125 pounds - NOPE
  • Get cholesterol under 200 - I don't know.
  • Attend church at least once a month - Mostly good
  • Attend at least one women’s retreat or Christian-based workshop - NOPE
  • Donate at least 20 hours of service toward volunteer activities - DONE
  • Compliment someone every day - Sometimes
  • Apply for at least 2 scholarships - NOPE
  • Take lessons for a new hobby - NOPE
  • Get eyes examined - DONE
  • Go camping in the mountains - DONE
  • Take a weekend trip/fly out of town -DONE, too often!
  • Have deck painted/stained - DONE
  • Go to the gym at least 4 times a month - NOPE
  • Paint the rest of the house - Some done
Okay, I didn't do that badly. I have to start thinking of what my resolutions will be this coming year.

1 comment:

liraelwiddershins said...

You make a lot of resolutions!