Monday, September 25, 2006


Today sucked. I got in on the red eye at 6 AM this morning. I had a doctor's appointment at 2:30 PM, and they scheduled me for a colinoscopy. Not something I am looking forward to. I am going in to work tomorrow, and I have lots of homework I need to get done this week. Sorry, I will try to be more chipper later on in the week. Just give me a day or two to be cranky.

Went to see Mark this weekend. As always, I am happy when I get to spend time with him. I think we are both stressed with life and the distance, but I think that is pretty much to be expected. We went to the Getty museum, and I saw some Degas, Cezanne, Monet, and other famous pieces of artwork. He also took me to a restaurant where they completely let me make up my own dish. For all who know me, you know how awesome that is.

Here is the photo album from the trip this weekend.

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