Sunday, September 10, 2006

Quality Meat

I was supposed to go to a cook out in Mebane this weekend. However, at the last minute Mark flew me to see him in New York. I have never decided to fly somewhere and fly there in the same day before. I feel so cosmopolitan. I flew out yesterday around 2 PM, and I just got home. On the return flight, I let them bump me to the next one so I could get a free round trip ticket to go see my boyfriend. I think that worked out pretty well.

However, I am still sick. In fact, I think the altitude change made my head more stuffy. I took NyQuil last night, and I don't remember anything from the point I went to sleep until I woke up. I usually wake up to go to the bathroom several times during the night.

We went to a restaurant in NY called Quality Meat. Mark got a lobster as an appetizer (nope, I didn't eat any), and it was served with the head as a centerpiece. Ick! We both got steaks, and they were pretty good. I got to wear my new top and skirt from New York and Company.

I am back home now. I wish I could have spent more time with Mark. The long distance is hard because the person you most want to spend your time with isn't there. I was very grateful that I got to see him, and it will help me get through this week better without him. It was kinda depressing landing in Charlotte. It is rainy and muggy outside. It was freezing on the plane. I put on three shirts and was covering myself with my skirt. Definitely not good for my head. Oh, and they took 2 liquid eye shadows and my concealer at the airport. Sheesh.

I think I am going to go to bed early and try to work from home tomorrow. I need my sinuses to clear up. Maybe I should go get some more NyQuil - cherry, not the original. The original tastes like crap.

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