Monday, September 18, 2006

Things to be happy about

1) God loves me. I was struggling with an issue this morning, and when I was sitting in the sermon this morning, I just said "okay, God." It was like He was talking to just me for the situation I was going through just then. I know He is looking out for me and has good things in store.

2) My friends love me. Susan, Wendy, Joel, Dave, Jay, Kirk, Pedro, Jamie, Ann, Kenny, Liz, Felicia, Francis, Melanie, Adam, Tausha, etc. I have awesome friends!

3) I have a better relationship with my family than we have had in the past.

4) I have a beautiful home with two beautiful cats (who also love me).

5) My boyfriend loves me.

6) I am doing pretty good in the PhD program, at work, and teaching my first class.

7) Even though I think I am overweight, I am still attractive and not in really bad shape.

8) I have money in the bank.

9) I have learned so much through life. Everything I have gone through has taught me important lessons and has made me a better person than I would otherwise have been.

10) I finally realized I don't have to be perfect. Other people aren't perfect, and they are loved anyway. It is okay if I make mistakes. It is okay to ask for help. It is okay to love myself. It is to defend myself when people hurt me. It is okay to want what I want. It is okay that there are things I want to improve . . . I can be happy and content with things now and still work towards those things. I don't have to wait until I get somewhere or do something to be happy. I can be happy now, right where I am at. Amen!

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