Thursday, September 07, 2006

Fraggle Rock

Nothing too exciting to report on in the life of Pam. Mark and I went to Kentucky to see Kim and Tony for Labor Day. We toured Churchill Downs while we were there. It was a nice visit. Jay (ex) stopped by to say hello on his way from Blacksburg to Myrtle Beach. That was a surprising yet pleasant visit. I hadn't talked to him in almost 2 years.

My boyfriend is the culprit. I am getting sick. I have been sneezing my head off and have had a runny nose since I got home from Kentucky. Ugh.

Work, school, teaching, etc. has been very busy. I did get out for dinner with Holly last night which was good. I think I am going to Virginia's house in Mebane for a cookout on Saturday.

I have to use my City Cash for New York & Company this weekend.


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