Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A Little Love Can Change it All

I am listening to music, shuffle is a great thing. I feel like I have tons of stuff to do (which is accurate), but at the same time, this week isn't that bad. Tomorrow, I have office hours from 9 AM - 11 AM. Then I am meeting with Su about our paper (of which I have yet to prepare). After that, I have a presentation/article review due for one of my classes. My other class isn't meeting, but I have to email my assignment to my professor. After that, I need to prepare my lecture for the class I am teaching Friday. So, all in all, even though it sounds pretty busy, it isn't as bad as it could be.

I hate uncertainty. I like being able to plan for things. When I can't plan for something, it stresses me out. Arggh.

I started trying to exercise some. I also went to the store today and attempted to by food that was relatively healthy. We will see how long that will last. I am trying to decide what else I should try to get done tonight. I am not very motivated to do more homework right now. I cleaned the kitchen earlier today. I listened to a sermon I had on CD from a Sunday I missed church. I have some laundry that needs to be done. However, it is night time which means I will forget about it in the dryer until at least tomorrow and will have to rewash it anyway.

What is on my night stand to read? I have the Bible, the Complete Jewish Bible, a book about Workaholism, and a book about long distance relationships. Hmmm. I'm bored.

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