Saturday, September 09, 2006

Pam, Up All Night

I have an orange cat sitting in my lap. I just finished grading all the assignments from my class. It is easier reading the papers than it is just entering all the grades into the web interface for grade tracking. I went over to Matt and Amy's for a few hours tonight. We had turkey burgers and strawberry shortcake. I think Matt and Amy are the epitome of a good, Christian couple. Good people. They have two cute cats too.

I have too many uncertainties in my life right now, too many things I want to plan for but don't have enough information to do so. I guess that is normal, but I can usually find some ways to account for some aspects of the uncertainty.

Joel, are you still coming up next weekend? I am going to be busy and you have papers to write too, so let me know if it still makes sense for you to come up. I know it is quite a drive. You still have that flight credit that you need to use before Thanksgiving. I know you always try to surprise me for my birthday, and I always end up already having plans. Just to let you know, I already have plans. :-)

I consolidated my student loan, and I called them to see how much I owed. They told me I didn't owe anything until I graduate. However, I keep getting a bill in the mail. Very suspicious. I need to give them a call.

I have spoiled milk in the refridgerator. A thought which does not relate to anything, just happened to cross my mind.

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