Wednesday, October 04, 2006


This year flew by. It is almost my birthday, then it will soon be Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. That's crazy. The semester ends December 15th. I have lived in Charlotte for almost as long as I had in St. Petersburg. It doesn't seem like it though. I guess I had more roots in St. Pete which made me feel like I had been there longer. I had lived there briefly in high school so I knew more people for a longer period of time. I still feel like I am new to Charlotte.

I am stressed today. I have a lot of homework to do, and I am not in the mindset to do it. My roommate seems to be a pretty nice guy, so that seems to be going okay. Jim came over and checked out the plumbing at my house yesterday. I thought that was sweet. Matt is going to come over in a few hours to work on our stats homework. Tomorrow, I have class pretty much all day. I need to take a shower soon before Matt gets here. I am still in my pajamas.

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