Saturday, October 14, 2006


Sometimes I think this world has it all backwards. It values wealth, fame, pride when the things that matter are charity, friendships, and humility. The world has a "take care of yourself" mentality instead of a "love your neighbor" mentality. We all hide brokenness with facades of strength and thwart actually being happy for the pretense of being happy. It is shameful to ask for help.

Ah, anyway . . .

The most beautiful thing I have ever seen is when someone gets the nerve to say that they need help, that they can't just do it all by themselves anymore. That is when they let their guard down and are truly authentic. They admit they are lost and are receptive to change. In fact, I think that is when I have been my most beautiful as well.

Someone once said that trying to do everything yourself isn't a sign of strength. It is a sign of pride. We weren't made to do everything by ourselves. We were made to take care of each other.

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