Thursday, October 05, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me

My birthday is tomorrow. I will be 27 years old. :-( This is the closest to 30 I have ever been, and I am depressed. Life is so short.

My friend Francis sent me a birthday card yesterday. He is such a sweet guy. We aren't that close, but he remembered my birthday. He got me a house warming present when I bought my first house. He is just a really thoughtful guy. He and I went to high school together, but we didn't really know each other that well. His brother was in the same grade as me. Then we bumped into each other while at UF when I was getting my masters, and he was getting his MBA. And then we both ended up living in St. Pete where we actually became more like friends than acquaintances. Our ritual was catching up over cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory. He has done a much better job keeping in touch with me than me with him. It is important to recognize quality people when you find them.

Anyhow, I should be writing a literature review on collaborative systems right now. Bleh. I have two classes to attend today. Tomorrow I teach and pick Mark up from the airport. I am on a "need to know basis" about this weekend, so I will report back once I find out more!

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