Sunday, October 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Wishes - Thanks!!

Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Sppppaaaammmmmm, Happy Birthday to you! -- Kim & Tony

I didn't know this (and I'm thankful we have friendster to remind us) so happy birthday! Have any plans for the evening? Better get out there and celebrate. -- Ed

I hope you're having an excellent birthday!!!

For some reason, I have October 6 marked on my calendar as your birthday, so I hope I'm right. So Happy Birthday, Ms. Wonderful!! --Tim

Pam, Hope all is well, guess we lucked out on the hurricanes this season, bet you don't miss that but I do miss you here;) Enjoy your day and take care --Rick

happy b day, hope you have fun, hope your having a good time with your man this weekend, my mom is in town this weekend --Phillipa

Happy birthday to the most beautiful, intelligent, and sweetest girl I know. --Pei

Also thanks for Francis, Frank, Liz, Tausha, Shannia, Lisa et al., Kris, Mace, Mrs. B, Dave, Joel, Mrs. Miller and everyone else who sent me warm birthday wishes . . .

Most of of my wonderful boyfriend Mark who took me to my favorite - The Melting Pot - and came to spend my birthday weekend with me.

I love you guys!

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