Thursday, July 20, 2006


I am packing for Los Angeles! It seems wrong that everything fit into one suitcase. I feel like I must be missing something! I am going to bed because I have to get up and work tomorrow before I go. Kirk is being a sweetheart and dropping me off at the airport, and Wendy will probably house sit the cats.

BTW, I have a webcam now. You can see Pam Live! on Yahoo at pamela_j_karr. Weird. It was a present; I probably (actually, I know because I am so cheap) wouldn't have gotten one for myself.

I went with some friends tonight to get a pedicure, and while I was at it, I said, what the heck, and I got a manicure too. We went to eat at some place called something like the Moosehead or something. I saw a dark blue Montero Sport outside, so I thought maybe Gene was there. He has probably traded his truck in for a new car by now anyway. It was kinda stressful for about 2 seconds.

I couldn't sleep last night. I got home from class around 9:30 PM, and I started working on Test 2 for my class. I was having some problems with some of the equations because the variables weren't very clearly defined. So I stressed about that some because without the book, it made it hard to figure anything out. I bought the book on, but it never got here. I called the local bookstores and no one has the book. So, my test id due Monday. I don't really want to work on it on my trip, but I guess I will have to. I am going to bring my laptop on the plane so maybe that will give me some time to work on it.


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