Thursday, July 27, 2006


Okay, it seems like new random people are hitting my blog, so I thought I would make it easy for you to get some dirt on me:

-I am half Chinese, but I don't act it at all. I hate seafood and tea, am not fond of rice, and always as for a fork at Chinese restaurants if they only give me chopsticks.
-I am 5' 3 1/2''. The half is very important.
-I can't see out of my left eye; I have been legally blind in it since birth. Therefore, I hate to drive and often seek out friends to drive me around.
-I have two cats. I have not met the 3 cat-cat lady rule, so I am safe.
-I am currently typing this in my underwear, of which I bought on eBay (they were new!)
-I like country music.
-In high school, I didn't get the normal superlatives. I got named as "Diderot, most likely to write my own encyclopedia" and "most likely to correct the dictionary."
-I am addicted to email. I check my email very often, but I tend to respond a lot less often.
-I like naps. I am a big fan of mid-afternoon naps.
-I have very small feet, measured once at size 4 and a half. No, they weren't bound when I was a small child.


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