Sunday, July 29, 2007


Mike and I went to the Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens today. I had been there once before to attend a wedding. I really like it there; It has beautiful gardens and fountains. They are building an orchid garden that will be open in 2008 which seems like it will be really cool. Mike's mom and her dog Pumpkin stayed over at his house Thursday and Friday night because her water was shut off at her house. We all went to see the new Harry Potter movie Friday night. It was all right, but there were some parts that could have been better. Saturday was a lazy day which mostly involved sleeping. Today was also a fairly lazy day other than going to the botanical gardens. I bought a chandelier for my breakfast nook that I am going to get Mike (and Dave?) to put up for me this weekend. I will have to post a picture once it is done. Right now, I am in bed with two sleepy kitties. I found an "I love you" note in my laptop when I opened it up to blog. That made me smile.

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