Monday, June 20, 2005


I woke up this morning and went to work. I stayed up way too late last night. I had a bit of a tif with someone at work, but nothing that is a big deal. I came home. Su came over, and we worked on our project. Meanwhile, my phone was ringing off the hook. By the time we were done with our work, I had 6 voicemail. Pete, Kass, Jess, Kirk, Darryl, and I went to Rock Bottom and hung out for a while. I told them that they won't see me again until Thursday night. I have a paper to write tomorrow and the next day.

I am very sleepy and about to go to bed. I can't wait to cuddle with the kitties. I have another busy day tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

I am the one who left the anonymous comment couple days ago.You dont know me anyway so that is why I remain anonymous.I just happened to find your website and you sound like a interesting person.Do you have a steady boyfriend or you still looking for Mr.Right?I cant find Mr.Right.

Pamela Wisniewski said...

Still Looking! That is fine. You can be anonymous! Feel free to read my wayward ramblings. So what are you looking for in Mr. Right?

Anonymous said...

I see you live in charlotte,do you know anybody from Gaston County?I used to live in Gastonia

Pamela Wisniewski said...

I was seeing someone from Gastonia, but I haven't heard from him in some time. So, you know.

Anonymous said...

Hello Pam. This is a note from another anonymous person. Here is some free advice. You should stay away from those boys from across the bridge. All they care about is themselves, cold beer, and NASCAR. They also talk like a bunch of backwoods hicks. You can't take them around your classy friends. Who cares if they make good money, are family oriented, have a Corvette parked in their garage, and give you butterflies everytime you hear their voice. You have to draw the line somewhere!

Pamela Wisniewski said...

Hilarious! NOTE: I did not post that last comment. That was from someone completely separate than me! I withhold comment!