Sunday, June 05, 2005

I Love Chocum Milk

I am really not in the mood to do work today. Sigh. I have almost decided to do the TAship instead of working part time in the fall. I know that it would pay half as much, but I also think that it would give me more time. Time is the most precious thing right now. I am young, and I need to enjoy my life. I have worked hard my whole life. Working hard doesn't make you happy. It is still hard to give up something that I like and feel is a formidable thing to do.

It was kind of weird how Tony's last posts were kind of reflective and a little sad. I read Kim and Tony's blog, and sometimes it makes me sad. I read about all the things they are exploring together. It isn't like this lone trip that I am partaking. I guess everyone has their ups and downs.

I need to plan for my week so I can make sure to get everything done in a reasonable fashion.

I posted some pictures of Kassie and I on my Yahoo photo albums.

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