Friday, June 17, 2005

Friday Night

Friday nights have turned into my time to vege with the cats. This week was pretty hectic. I am glad that my back is feeling better. I have another chiropractor's appointment next week. I had a laser hair removal treatment this past Thursday. I am excited. As some of you out there may know, I am not the best at remembering to shave all the time.

I am getting an oil change for my car tomorrow. I am also getting together with some friends for a pot luck BBQ. That should be fun. I haven't had much time to be social the past two weeks.

I watched the Wedding Singer on TV tonight. That is one of my favorite movies. I have bought the sound tracks about three times, but they always seem to end up with my ex-boyfriends. Erg.

Kenny is going to come visit next weekend. I am excited to see him. I remember we had gone through some rocky times when I thought I would lose his friendship, but I think we have become closer since then. It is nice to have someone to talk to. I think it helps him to talk to me about things too. He just met a girl I think he really likes, so I am happy for him.

My Qualitative Research Methods class is almost over. I have two more papers and a presentation to go.

Well, I am being boring today, so I guess I will get to bed - or couch. I think couch tonight.


Anonymous said...

Tell us more about this Jason character.He sounds interesting!Is he just another guy or something more?

Pamela Wisniewski said...

How come the juicy comments on my blog are always the anonymous ones?