Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Zoo

Ru woke up early this morning and started to cry. It was okay though because he was just trying to tell me that he had to go to the bathroom. It was raining all day yesterday so he didn't get to go out enough last night. It is still raining today. Hopefully this will help with the whole drought conditions. Scuro decided to venture out back when I put Ru out. It wasn't such a great idea on her part. First, she got all wet. Second, that is Ru's territory so he was running circles all around her trying to play. It was funny because she just ran back into the house on her own accord. Maybe I will let her go outside some time supervised without the dog. She seems to be so curious about it.

Mike comes home today from Switzerland. Yay! I called him in his hotel room last night, and it was 1:30 AM for him. He wasn't mad that I called though. He knows that I just miss him when he is gone.

I need to go to the grocery store today. I don't like driving when it is rainy, but I guess I will just suck it up.

God has been so great to me lately. He has answered all my prayers and really blessed me with so much. Thank you, God!

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