Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A Lesson in Persistence

Ra is the most resilient cat in the world. For instance, he meowed for two hours straight this morning to try to wake me up to feed him. And, he has begun to do so again for his evening feeding. I was going to go to the gym tonight and get a membership, but maybe I will do that later in the week.

I am going to the Melting Pot tomorrow! I have company in town this weekend, and my mom is coming into town for the 4th of July.

I need to find time to fly out and see Kim and Tony. I am so busy these days.

I bought a 37'' flat panel television. By the goodness of kind gentlemen, I now have it hanging on the wall. I need to get a component shelf and some way to hide the cords.

I am sleepy, but I really should be productive tonight.


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