Monday, June 19, 2006

If you have cake, you should be able to eat it

Someone put away my trash can for me today. That was nice of them! I slept a lot today because I wasn't feeling well. Hopefully I will be able to sleep better tonight. I just felt like my stomach was full of acid. Bleh.

I think Gene and I have officially broken up. His goals are more career oriented. He will make a great crew chief one day. I seem like I am very career oriented, but I am most interested in having a family. I don't want kids for at least 4 more years, but that is the direction I want to go. If you think about it, 4 years isn't very far away. Wow, time flies.

Anyway, the Brad Paisley concert was awesome. Not only is he a great singer, he is cute and his songs are either mushy or funny or both. I should see if I can find the one about the toilet seat. Jay accompanied me to the concert which was cool. I had already purchased two tickets, and I wasn't about to go alone. (I mean, then I would have had to drive.) Hopefully he had fun too.

I just got back from the grocery store. The kitties were out of food, so I had to go pick some up. The cashier looks at me like I am crazy when I come to the register with only a bag of cat food at 11 PM. These are some spolied cats.


Anonymous said...

good blog!
have a good day!

caduzzo said...

It's true: the time flies. It runs fastly.
I liked the photo where you're sleeping in the sofa while the cat's "studing"...very funny!.