Thursday, March 26, 2009

Yay! Stuffed Mushrooms!!

My husband is so wonderful - he is downstairs cooking chicken marsala and stuffed mushrooms. (While I am procrastinating for a bit from studying.) ;-)

Say prayers for my mom's boyfriend Watson who recently underwent esophagus stretching and eye surgery. He is having a hard time right now. Also for Aunt Cheryl who recently underwent brain surgery.

For anyone looking for a place to go for Easter service, my church Mecklenburg Community Church (Meck) is having Easter at Verizon.

Ru was naughty today - he ate my packet of ramen noodles from the counter (yes, I am still a college student, so I can still eat ramen noodles!) Ra just fell of the kitchen counter; so much for cats always landing on their feet.

BTW, EVERYONE over in my old department is pregnant or has had a baby recently. There must be something in the curriculum air vents in the Friday building or something. Mike and I are still waiting about 2 years for kids. Once I am over the qualifying exams hump which I now just have a psychological fear of, I will be a much happier person. My advisors are great though. Funny, friendly, nice, encouraging. Yay.

I do need to catch up with Matt, Amy, Haya, etc. from my old department though. Missing them lots!

Anyway, I think I hear the dinner bell . . .

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