Sunday, March 29, 2009

Studying Sucks

I sent Mike to the NoDa dog bar with Ru for some socialization (for both the dog and the man). I am at home studying. My finger is hurting because I am taking so many notes. At least it wasn't raining today. I need to find my cell phone and text Mike to see what we are going to do about dinner. We went to the House of Leng yesterday for dinner, and had enough left overs for both of us to eat for lunch. Alas, there are no more cupcakes. Very windy outside today - it sounds like someone is knocking on the door. I think it is just the wind.

The trees are growing back their leaves, and soon we will find out which of our plants are actually perennials. I don't see the point of getting annuals if you know they are just going to die every year. :-\

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