Sunday, March 29, 2009

Studying Sucks

I sent Mike to the NoDa dog bar with Ru for some socialization (for both the dog and the man). I am at home studying. My finger is hurting because I am taking so many notes. At least it wasn't raining today. I need to find my cell phone and text Mike to see what we are going to do about dinner. We went to the House of Leng yesterday for dinner, and had enough left overs for both of us to eat for lunch. Alas, there are no more cupcakes. Very windy outside today - it sounds like someone is knocking on the door. I think it is just the wind.

The trees are growing back their leaves, and soon we will find out which of our plants are actually perennials. I don't see the point of getting annuals if you know they are just going to die every year. :-\

Friday, March 27, 2009


You know how it is when you get really mad at your husband, and you know he feels completely horrible, but you aren't ready to stop being mad at him yet? I think in some ways, Mike thinks if I am really angry with him, he is scared that I might leave. So even when I am extremely angry with him, sometimes I have to just stop and tell him I still love him. Sometimes that is hard to do when you love someone, but if you stopped loving everyone you ever got mad at, you wouldn't have anyone left.

Spaghetti, cheese, crackers for dinner tonight. Ready to bake chocolate chip cookies. Mmmm.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Yay! Stuffed Mushrooms!!

My husband is so wonderful - he is downstairs cooking chicken marsala and stuffed mushrooms. (While I am procrastinating for a bit from studying.) ;-)

Say prayers for my mom's boyfriend Watson who recently underwent esophagus stretching and eye surgery. He is having a hard time right now. Also for Aunt Cheryl who recently underwent brain surgery.

For anyone looking for a place to go for Easter service, my church Mecklenburg Community Church (Meck) is having Easter at Verizon.

Ru was naughty today - he ate my packet of ramen noodles from the counter (yes, I am still a college student, so I can still eat ramen noodles!) Ra just fell of the kitchen counter; so much for cats always landing on their feet.

BTW, EVERYONE over in my old department is pregnant or has had a baby recently. There must be something in the curriculum air vents in the Friday building or something. Mike and I are still waiting about 2 years for kids. Once I am over the qualifying exams hump which I now just have a psychological fear of, I will be a much happier person. My advisors are great though. Funny, friendly, nice, encouraging. Yay.

I do need to catch up with Matt, Amy, Haya, etc. from my old department though. Missing them lots!

Anyway, I think I hear the dinner bell . . .

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

7 Days and Counting

Okay, I am starting to get nervous about qualifying exams now. I only have 7 more days to study. Yikes! And unfortunately, I will have to study straight through Ra's 9th birthday. Maybe he will join me on my lap for some of my study time.

I am in the process of summarizing all the articles I have to read for my exam and trying to commit them to memory. I think my brain is getting old because it is harder to remember things these days.

However, I still know: am is are was were be being been have has had do does did may might must can could shall should will would - my auxiliary verbs from 7th grade.

In other news, as HOA board secretary, I have been helping coordinate the retiling of the pool. We chose a gray slate kind of tile with gray grout. I think it will look pretty good. I have other action items on my list, but my HOA duties have been put on hold until after qualifying exams.

Ugh, so the small claim we filed against the landscaping company (and won) pretty much was a bust. Even though we won a judgment of $5K, they don't have any money in their account to be able to collect. The judge said the only recourse we have is to write the secretary of state and let them know these guys are ripping people off. Our yard, slowly but surely is starting to recover. We overseeding so we actually have grass again. We replaced the crappy Crepe Myrtles with nice Yoshino Cherry trees (which are in the process of blossoming!). The biggest problem still is the drainage of the yard. We had Tom put in a French drain which helped some, but we are still getting a muddy side yard and standing water - which make for a muddy, messy dog every day.

Let's see, what else? Max, my nephew, has started walking, but I have been too bust to check out the videos and pictures. Will be one of the first things I do after I get back from my conference in Boston. I also have another conference in August where I am going to Chicago. Hopefully I will be able to visit with Kim and Tony (and bring Mike) when I go.

Anyway, hugs to all and to all a good night!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

9 Days and Counting Down

I have nine days until qualifying exams. I have read through all the materials for taxonomies of recommender systems and hybrid recommender system, content-based systems, collaborative filtering recommenders, etc. I also have read through a good bit of HCI articles, Visualization, and Geovisualization. Have a lot more stuff to remember before then!

Monday, March 02, 2009

I couldn't ask for more

I have the most supportive and loving husband in the world. Mike is there for me the times I really need him. Sure, we have our differences, but he has never let me down when it came to the big stuff. He has never said one harsh word to me or called me a name out of anger. Sometimes he doesn't know what to do, but he always tries. I am so completely and utterly thankful that God brought him into my life. I can only hope that others experience the love and support he shows me.