Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Ice, Ice Baby

Gene couldn't get into his car this morning because his door was frozen shut. It didn't snow last night like they said it might, but there is ice everywhere this morning. I am glad I don't have to leave my house until later in the day, or else I wouldn't know what to do.

Joel, the kitties (and I) miss you. I have no one to proofread my papers. Ra opens your bedroom door every morning to see if you are home.

And, it is too cold for the cats to use the litter box in the garage. I guess I can't blame them. They have spent their whole lives in Florida. They both decided to use the front door mat instead. Must see if moving the litter box closer to the door to the garage fixes the problem. Or else the litter box will have to come in for the winter.

I have two presentations to work on today. I have two papers due Friday, and I have an exam due back (take home) next Wednesday. That's it for the semester! I have no clue what kind of grades to expect. A or B I know, but other than that, who knows. I cried when I got my first B, but I think I am over that now. I am cutting myself some slack because I have a lot on my plate. Besides publications and dissertation matter. As long as I graduate, grades really don't.

1 comment:

liraelwiddershins said...

Definitely try moving it closer and you can always get one of those small space heaters. That'd probably help.

Harley and Grace have been okay down in the basement so far. Keeping my fingers crossed!