Thursday, December 22, 2005

Baking Cookies and Packing for the Holidays

Well, I haven't actually WRITTEN anything on here for quite some time. I got pretty busy with the semester. Things have been going pretty well. Gene and I are doing well. We have only been dating for about two months though. He loves the cats even though he is allergic to them. I guess he likes me too.

I bought the books Randy suggested I buy from Amazon market place. I bought them for $0.01 and $0.02, but of course, shipping was about $7. They were still cheap, so I am happy.

We are going to Florida to see family for the holidays. I should have thought about it before, but I need to see if someone will house sit the cats. I will miss my kitties!

I talked to Todd yesterday. He seems to be doing well although he might be moving to the East coast. He just bought a really nice house, but I guess you have to go where you think you will be happiest.

I got one B and the rest A's for the semester which is pretty good. I am not very happy with the B because it was in the class I worked my butt off in. It would have made more sense if it were a different class.

I worked full-time this week. I enjoy the people I work with. Even though I don't hang out with outside of work, they are a really cool group of people. Note to self - get people from work together sometime.

I have no idea what kind of clothes to pack for Florida. Lisa made fun of me when I wore my sweater and scarf for Thanksgiving. says it will be in the 60's and 70's, so I guess I can leave most of my winter clothes at home.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. I have to go pack now.


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