Saturday, December 03, 2005

End of the Semester Stress

I can't sleep. Argh. I don't know why I can't sleep sometimes. Maybe it is too much caffeine. Maybe I ate too late. Maybe it is too much to do. Maybe too many thoughts in my head. You tell people that you are jittery, and they want to know why. Sometimes there isn't really a reason. It is just a feeling. They get mad at you when there is no reason, and you can't just stop it. It doesn't help the situation.

Things that make me feel calm:

Sitting with the shower running. Petting cats. Typing my thoughts. Reading to me. Talking me to sleep. Back massages. Sleeping on the couch with the tv on. Writing in my journal. Organizing things. Sitting in front of my computer. Spending time with someone I care about.

Things that stress me out:

Too many deadlines at once. Thinking too much. Talking to people who are unhappy with me or ask too many questions. Being the last one to fall asleep. When the house is messy. Gaining weight. People telling me to relax. Mortality. Headaches.

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