Friday, November 18, 2005

Sitting by the Fire

It was freezing this morning! We have had a fire going all day. I am excited because Kim and Tony are going to be here tomorrow. I have to find someone to watch the cats over Thanksgiving. Pedro and Jamie are getting married soon! A lot has been going on. The semester is winding down so I have to start buckling down and get some papers written. Argh!

Joel is thinking about going to USF in the Spring. I hate to see him go, but it might be the best decision for him right now. It is sad how the general workforce doesn't see 4 years of the Marines as much work experience. He also has a problem with me dating - so sometimes when I get happier, he gets sadder. It makes the situation tough sometimes.

I haven't been writing much lately. I think I have been enjoying spending time with people instead of in front of my computer. I tend to find myself here for work and school way too often.

I am ready for this semester to be over!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you're enjoying life lately, even if it means you don't post as often here. I love you and want nothing but happiness in your life.
--Dave (I forgot my info for this site, so thats why I'm anonymous)