Monday, September 07, 2009

Getting Down to Business

Okay, seriously, I need to work to get healthy. Some steps:

1) Keep a food/exercise journal - eat right and exercise.
2) Continue physical therapy.
3) Go to my 10 million follow up doctors' appointments (ugh.)
4) Find a liquid or gummy adult multi-vitamin my tummy can take on a daily basis.
5) Set an alarm on my phone to remember to take my middle-of-the-day pills. Get some kind of pill holder for my wallet.
6) Drink more water.
7) I need to figure out if my back problem is my L5-S1 lumbar or my SI joint (caused most likely by the ulcerative colitis). Based on my limited research, you treat them differently so it matters which one you have.
8) Pray! (I guess this one should actually go first...)

Food journal starts tomorrow. I ate like crap today.

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