Sunday, February 12, 2006

Glad You Care

I usually do err on the side of sharing too much, I have been told. :-)

Anyone have any good research questions concerning web services?

Poor Gene is downstairs sneezing his head off because of the cats. Kim, on eBay those air filters ship for about $30. I can send you the money for shipping.

I am going to Raleigh next Saturday to hang out. Anything fun to do in Raleigh?


1 comment:

liraelwiddershins said...

Ok :-) I'll get off my butt and find a box to ship the thing in.
What kind of research questions do you mean?

Other things you can do that will help out poor Gene:

* Bathe the cats regularly. Or, if you're not up for the battle, just wipe them down with a wet cloth every other day. That helps pick up stray dander.
*If they go on the bed, wash the sheets a lot.
*Actually, if you can, just keep them out of the bedroom completely.
*Make sure you change your air conditioner/furnace filter once a month too, that helps a lot. Poor Gene will thank you.