Wednesday, November 30, 2005

For All The Year-Long Monogamous

They have come up with an answer! I saw a news article on Yahoo today called

Molecule gives passionate lovers just one year.

It explains everything!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Back Home with the Kitties

Gene and I got back from Tampa this morning. I was supposed to write my proposal all day today, but thank God, my teacher cancelled class. We have an extra week to work on our paper.

Thanks to Muhammed for watching the kitties.
Thanks to Dave for picking me up from the airport and driving me to Gainesville.

The wedding was awesome. I also got to see Bonnie and JR and went to my old church. It was great to see all of my friends.

I rock at Scattegories. Gene - not so good. ;-)

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Yo Quiero Taco Bell

Darn it. I wanted a steak chalupa, and I got a beef gordita. Sigh.

Joel left today. I think he saw it more as a permanent, final, and grim thing. I saw it as, well, I will see you Wednesday. I am fustrated. I love the boy. I would do anything humanly possible to make him happy except the one thing he wants. I understand how he feels, but it doesn't give me any way to fix it. I hope he is doing all right. I know he will be fine. I will eventually talk to him when he is ready, but I fear talking to him right now would just excerbate the problem.

Kim and Tony visited this weekend. I liked having them in my house. I like having company. I actually found some better things to do with them than when Auntie Dora and Doug were here. I will see them on Friday for Pedro and Jamie's wedding.

I have two cats sitting in a chair and a half with me. I have a boy snoring on the couch. I have candles burning and a failed attempt at a fire in the fireplace.

I talked to Muhammed today. It was good to hear from him. We are both so busy right now. I am not assuming we are growing a part. I am just assuming we are busy. When we are less busy, we will see each other. That is what good friends are all about.

I tried to convince Dave to move to Charlotte. Poor Gene. He doesn't know what to think with me and all my guys. He is being good about it though.

I am debating on if I am going to finish up my research proposal work that needs to be done. I am really dreading it. I think the reason is because it was so hard to get it to the point it is now, and I got a little burnt out on it.

Maybe if I find those breathe right strips that someone (was it Kenny?) got me, then he will be quieter.

So what happened to Todd? I hope he is doing well. I fell for that boy hard. I got really hurt when things weren't what I thought they were. However, I just put everything into perspective by thinking a half second about Sean, and it doesn't seem as much of a big deal anymore. I had a dream the other night that I got a piece of mail for Sean by accident. It was addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Brazas and 1/2. Somehow in the dream I interpreted that to mean he was married with a kid. Crap, it has been over a year. How can you effectively just pretend a person never existed?

I think I will just go to bed and wake up early in the morning. Usually, that just means that I am going to bed and will decide it isn't worth waking up early when the morning comes.

The semester is officially over December 12th.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Sitting by the Fire

It was freezing this morning! We have had a fire going all day. I am excited because Kim and Tony are going to be here tomorrow. I have to find someone to watch the cats over Thanksgiving. Pedro and Jamie are getting married soon! A lot has been going on. The semester is winding down so I have to start buckling down and get some papers written. Argh!

Joel is thinking about going to USF in the Spring. I hate to see him go, but it might be the best decision for him right now. It is sad how the general workforce doesn't see 4 years of the Marines as much work experience. He also has a problem with me dating - so sometimes when I get happier, he gets sadder. It makes the situation tough sometimes.

I haven't been writing much lately. I think I have been enjoying spending time with people instead of in front of my computer. I tend to find myself here for work and school way too often.

I am ready for this semester to be over!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Marine Ball

Friday, November 11, 2005

I am Sick :-(

I have green stuff in my throat, my tummy hurts, and my head is foggy. I need cuddling.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


No, I have not abandoned my blog. I went to Fredricksburg, VA to see Ann and Jeanne this weekend. Joel went with me so he could do some siteseeing in DC. We had lots of fun, and it is always good seeing them.

I just finished writing a paper which is due tomorrow, so I am excited that I am going to be able to actually get to sleep at a decent hour tonight. Mondays and Tuesdays are definitely my rough days in the week. Tuesday won't be so bad because class was cancelled. My professor's mom is ill so he is flying to see her. I hope everything goes all right. He seemed somber in class, but he was keeping everything together really well. That is very much unlike me. I would call myself genuine. I am not professional. When I am being nice, I am really being nice. When I am working hard, I am really working hard. When I am upset, I am really upset. I have a high level of transparency. I don't really leave people guessing. I am sure that causes me a lot of problems, but it is part of who I am. I don't think there is a right or a wrong about it.

I am thirsty.

Next weekend I am going to the Marine Ball with Joel. The weekend after that, Kim and Tony will be visiting. And the week after that, I will be in Florida for Thanksgiving and Pedro & Jamie's wedding. I need to buckle down this week and write the end-of-the-semester papers so I won't have to spend all my vacation time with a laptop in front of me.


Friday, November 04, 2005

Halloween Pictures