Monday, June 08, 2009

Blog fighting for attention

My blog has been feeling lonely lately. Not much and a lot going on all at the same time. Some updates:

-We caught one snapping turtle. Subsequently, Mike speared his foot and had to get 3 stitches. He is better now though.
-We have been attempting to catch the 3 crested Swede ducks. We have learned that they can dive and hold their breath under water.
-We bought a kayak for me. Mike is still waiting for the one he wants to be stocked at Bass Pro Shoppe
-Mike is taking mandatory vacation next week, but we aren't doing any big trips. He had to go to a meeting in Wichita today. Bor-ring.
-We are going camping at Hanging Rock, and we will be bringing my kayak.
-The pond out back is looking better this year than it ever has before. Still need to find some triploid sterile grass carp.
-Max got a new dog named Penny. She is a Puggle.
-Mom got her picture taken at a BBQ with Tim Tebow. She was very excited about this.
-We are going to a conference in Chicago in August. Unfortunately it falls on our 1 year anniversary. Fortunately we will get to spend some time with Kim, Tony, and Max. Hopefully catch up with Kourtney too.
-Scuro and Ra's bloodwork came back just fine from their last "senior wellness check ups"
-Scuro is getting her teeth cleaned Wednesday. Afterwards, she will be sure to pee on the bed.
-I passed my qualifying exams! :-) Now I have to code data. :-|
-Gabe and Kristin (Mike's friends from college) came over and stayed the night on their way to Myrtle Beach.
-Mike's company was sold to Intel, but thus far, he still has a job.
-We bought new phones. Before, we both hated each others' phones. Now we both have Instincts.
-Okay, I need to get to bed

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