Friday, August 25, 2006

I Beat the Router

My Internet was down for the evening yesterday, so I had to reconfigure my wireless network. I pinched my left earlobe, stuck out my tongue, and touched my left elbow with my right pinky finger by going under my right leg, and it finally worked! Argh, I beat you this time wireless access point. I am happy to be back on my network because I was pirating a neighbors for a little while. Now I have to conquer my print server . . .

I should get some sleep; my head kinda hurts. I have some articles to read, but I don't think I am going to get to them tonight. Maybe I will sleep on the couch tonight in front of the television. I made meatballs, rice, and brown gravy for dinner tonight. I made Mark help me cook while he was here . . . we made won ton soup, fried rice, chicken enchiladas, hotdogs, and grilled veggies. Pretty electic, and by that I mean a collection of very different types of meals. ;-)

I am going to see Kim & Tony next weekend which will be nice. I haven't seen them in . . . wow, I think it has been about a year now. Crazy. I used to see them every week. I bet Kim's clothes shopping bill has been dramatically reduced since moving away from me.

Well, I am going to clean up the cable craziness I have going on here in my office. Then I am either going to be productive or go to bed. G'night.

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