Thursday, May 11, 2006

Intrinsic Motivation

I should be studying for my Organizational Behavior and Leadership final exam that I have in five hours. I have read all the materials, made my study sheet, and decided that my brain is full.

Where is morality going in this world? I joined MySpace and all I see seems to be people advertising immorality. I am tired of seeing pictures with the sole intent to seduce. I need to seek Christ more often in my daily life. It is hard to find a guy my age who is interested in God. Where would you find this type of guy?

I feel like I live multiple lives that are divergingly and irrepairably separate. On one hand, I am a PhD student, on another I am a systems developer, on another . . . I am something else. There are so many facets to who I am, and I feel like I can't bring them all together so people can see the culmination of me.


Anonymous said...

Instead of finding a guy your age who is interested in God, let God find you and find out what He is doing! He has plans for you to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Hmm, I am going to take this advice for myself right now! :) Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Howdy Pam,
It's your old office neighbor Paul. How're things going?

As to your question, have you read Purpose Driven Life? It is a non denominational book that can really put things into perspective.

Drop me a line if you get a chance. Good luck with your classes, at work, finding yourself, and most importantly finding your purpose in christ.

Pamela Wisniewski said...

Paul!! I heard you moved. :-( Sean came back to work. What did you eat for lunch today? We miss you! I have the Purpose Driven Life, but I have only gotten 1/3 into it. I know, I know. I need to work on my priorities. Good to hear from you!


Anonymous said...

Just to be clear here, I am interested in Ladies! Especially beautiful Spirits like Pamela!