Wednesday, March 22, 2006

She's Got Class

Yup, in eleven minutes. I don't know if I can make it through stats this morning. I am starving. I had a PB&J sandwich and a Jack in the Box hamburger for dinner last night. Weird, I know. I have been really tired lately which makes it hard to get everything I need to get done done.

Last night I called Tony and Jim because I needed to know if a particular variable should be considered a covariate or an independent factor. Unfortunately, I did not find a conclusive answer.

After class, I am going to mail a book that I sold on and return some St. Patty's PJ bottoms that I bought at Old Navy. After that, I am going to get some food! Maybe Chick-fil-A. I wonder if I can get someone to meet me for lunch today. Beats eating alone.


1 comment:

Felicia said...

Hi Pam,

I wanted to drop a note b/c I was thinking about you. Work has been really slow so I was able to catch up on your entries from November. I think I still have to read from the beginning just to make sure I didn't forget anything.

In case you are wondering why I was thinking of you - here are my reasons:

1. In mid-Feb, my friend Morgan invited a group of us to Howl at the Moon to celebrate her bday. I remembered that it was the weekend b4 Valentine's day meaning the exact same Saturday two years ago when we went to Splitsville w/Holly.

2. Living by myself has been great and I know you can relate. Being alone makes you think about a lot of things. You were one of those things. I keep thinking, I have to email her and go visit her b/c I miss her. When you lived out here, I took that for granted, I knew that you would be here and that I can talk to you about anything. I miss that.

I know you are busy as I have been too but I just wanted to say hey. I'll be in touch again but in the meantime, tell Gene I said hello (if he remembers me)and rub the kitties bellies for me once.
