Tuesday, April 26, 2011

2011 Goals Update

  • Defend my dissertation proposal - Set for May 5th (Cinco de Mayo!)
  • Lose 10-15 pounds - Yeah, not so much . . .
  • Get Scuro down to 14 pounds - Same here. She is a steady 15.5
  • No more surgeries - So far so good!
  • Finish the master bathroom (for Mike - yes, I can make goals for him too) - Mostly done!
  • Increase tithing to $300/month (not including Christmas tithing) - Up to $250/mo
  • Finish Chapter 4 of my dissertation - Done!
  • Submit something to a conference or journal that gets accepted (fuzzy goal) - Done (1 paper to CHI workshop, 2 to AMCIS, and 1 to CTS Doctoral Consortium!)
  • Spend more time with and make closer friends - So far so good!
  • Start trying to get pregnant (later in the year. Might negate 2nd goal.) - Off BC, but not officially trying yet
So, overall, the year is looking pretty good so far. It has been busy and hectic, but not painfully so. After the last few years of medical problems and what not, things are looking up! Thank God! :-)