Thursday, February 28, 2008

Honey Head!

Mike gets home at 7 AM in the morning. He has a urologist appt in the morning, and I have one at 10:30 AM. Boy, that is when you know you are getting old. I bought him some geraniums and crotons for the pots on the patio in the backyard as a surprise. However, it is 24 degrees out right now so they might be frozen by the morning. Oh well.

I am studying for qualifying exams. Say a prayer for me that I do well. I am pretty stressed out about this.

I am going to go to bed so I can wake up to see my honey in the morning.

Monday, February 25, 2008

If I had a million dollars . . .

1) Buy mom and Watson their own house
2) Pay off all our credit card debt
3) Help pay for Liz to get a bachelor's degree
4) Travel all over the world (with Mike of course)
5) Save money for sending our two (future) kids to college
6) Donate to some meaningful charity
7) I don't know

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mike making pretty

Mike making pretty
Originally uploaded by pamela_j_karr

Before leaving from San Francisco for business, Mike was working on refacing the kitchen cabinets. The new doors and veneer looks great. He added under cabinet lights as well. He is almost done and will probably finish up next weekend.

Someone is supposed to come by and dig up the hollies today.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I am sick again. Ugh. I am all stuffy. I am not sure how I caught this cold since I just got over one a few weeks ago. Poor Mike. It is his birthday/our anniversary (of meeting), and I am all snotty-nosed.

Happy birthday Mike!

You are the most wonderful person in the world!

You are smart, caring, loving, cuddly, handy, silly, funny, handsome, and altogether perfect for me! You make me feel happy, safe, and secure. Thank you for loving me! I am excited about all the years to come!

(Let's see if he reads this.)

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Between nurturing my health, taking care of the house, studying for qualifying exams, working, and planning the wedding, I haven't really had time to update my blog lately. Although we are busy, things are great. Life is good. I just wanted to tell all my friends and family that I love them!